VTI is delighted to announce that we are now officially an Adobe Commerce (Magento) partner. As an official partner to various Ecommerce platforms, e.g. Magento, Odoo, we are glad to support EC business and move forward together with retailers into the future.

Magento, acquired by Adobe in 2018, is an open-source Ecommerce platform, trusted by over 260,000 partners around the world. Personalisation & high scalability, intelligence from industry-leading AI, and flexible technology integration are what make Magento stand out from other platforms.

VTI is a leading technology corporation based in Vietnam and Japan. We are confident in accommodating one-stop solutions for customers of all sizes across various industries, among which retail has long been considered, besides manufacturing, the core sector that VTI focuses on. VTI accommodates tailor-built and platform-based Ecommerce solutions upon customer’s requirements.

As an official partner of Magento, apart from Shopify, Odoo, etc., VTI can now better support customers in retail generally and in Ecommerce specifically. The partnership not only gives our customers another option for platform-based solutions, but also moves VTI a step towards service ecosystem completion. Having human resources familiar with Ecommerce business, we offer everything an EC participant might need: from EC website development. EC application development, to EC integration, EC migration, EC maintenance & operation, and EC-related operations.

VTI is confident in assisting in business growth through digital transformation across different industries (i.e. Manufacturing, Retail, Finance, Internet Service, Transportation and Construction). A sustainable ecosystem of 6 subsidiaries that provides huge skilled technology experts empowers us to leverage an integrated set of state-of-the-art technologies, naming Cloud Computing, AI, IOT, Machine Learning, to tackle projects of any scale and complexity.